Wednesday, October 9, 2013


As the southern sun bleaches my hair and thoughts back to strawberry blonde,
dad calls to ask what the moon is doing
harvest moon tonight! can't you feel the energy in the air, dad?
I know he can, he taught me

The corn I cared for all summer in our garden was sweet and tasty,
yet scarce he informed me. One sloppy, butter salt bite would have his mind made.
The man knows his corn. How did my watermelons and cantaloupes hold up, dad?
I know the corn was sweet and tasty, he taught me

Without a goodbye, he hangs up the phone. Click.
My father,
the man who put a piece of land in my name when I was the competent age of 3 months,
My father,
the reason why I've never given myself away freely to anyone,
or bought any item of clothing full price,

hangs up the phone without saying an I love you
he doesn't have to, he taught me

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