Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What I Want The Most

I want my eight year old sister to understand that the biggest things in life she will remember, are the things she can’t touch.

I want her to wake up in the morning, throw on a t-shirt, and with no make up on her face, look in the mirror and say “I look good today”

In six years I want her to be able to pick up a magazine and realize that the image of the person on the cover has been cropped, edited, shaded, tanned, thinned, and enhanced.

I then want her to look at our mom and tell her she is the most beautiful woman she has met, and will ever meet -because she is real.

I want her to prove her generation wrong by singing along to every Johnny Cash song she knows, and not being afraid to tell the insecure, popular girl that she doesn’t like Lil Wayne.

I want her to look at a sunset by herself without feeling sad or ugly because a boys arm is not wrapped around hers and I want her to be able to have a conversation with her best friend without worrying about updating her facebook status, or wondering who’s texting her.

I want her to look at the pretty new girl not with jealousy or insecurity, but with the thought of friendship and the question of “what can I learn from this individual?”

I want her to not feel embarrassed if she messes up on a speech she wrote for speech class because in the scheme of things, thats just a mark on her time line, and maybe a journal entry in her diary.

I want her to spend her money on experiences that she will always remember, not materialistic things that Cosmo Girl says she needs to have.

I want her to understand and respect art, teachers, and talent when she sees it and I want her to smile at strangers, even if they have there nose stuck up in the air.

I want her to never stop loving, never stop learning, and never stop caring.
I need her to know that it’s the little things. You can not go from A to C with out B.

I want her to prove cliches wrong but still be able to dance in the rain without caring if someone is watching.

I know she will understand compassion and that working hard will get her a long way in this life.

Lastly, I want her to know she has not one, but two big sisters who love her very much.

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